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Hallmark Rodeo

Updated: May 9

It has been over a year since I probably have taken my camera to document the rodeo scene, which ultimately became my first art series, titled 'BEHIND THE CHUTE' back in 2020/2021.

Since then, my personal project has evolved into 'ROOTS RUN DEEP' and is now predominantly focusing on the traditions, the people and places of the American South but I have my rodeo to thank for helping to plant the seed and expand from. It is after all, the rodeo, that helped me draw inspiration for all culture and traditions taking place in the American South.

Having the opportunity to attend and document a rodeo takes more planning because many of them are held in areas that are roughly on average, a 45 minute drive from my home.

This is why I wanted to take advantage of the rodeo held at the Hallmark Farm out in Warrior because it is easily an 8 minute drive from me.

I didn't have a plan or purpose when showing up that evening. I just knew I felt like shooting, so I did just that. Whatever stood out to me is what I responded to. I just enjoyed being there, capturing the energy and details of the people in and around the community that evening.

It is the act of creating for myself that allows me to grow and evolve as a visual artist. So although I did not shoot with a plan or purpose that evening, I do feel that it was not done in vain. I left feeling inspired and motivated to create more work.

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